Agreement to Participate


I agree to be involved in the consultations for the NDIS Emergency and Disaster Management Project with Kaleidoscope Focus.

This will mean that:

  • I will take part in one Zoom group session with up to 12 other people with disability who are NDIS Participants. The session will go for approximately 1 hour.
  • The session will be about my experiences in emergencies and disasters, like fires, floods and the Covid pandemic, and how I have been – or would like to be – supported by my NDIS Provider during such times.
  • Rachel Dickson from Kaleidoscope Focus will be leading the meetings. Rachel will ask questions and listen to what everyone in the group has to say. A support person from AFDO will also be present.
  • The Zoom session will not be video recorded, however, a transcript (recording of words) of the discussion will be saved. People’s names or personal details from the transcript will not be used.
  • The information from the transcript will be used in a report to tell the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission about my experiences in emergencies and disasters.
  • It will inform the development of tools and resources for NDIS Providers to better support people with disability in the future.
  • I can bring a support person to be with me during the meeting if I need to.
  • Even if I sign this form, if I feel uncomfortable at any time during the meeting, I can take a break. I can also leave the meeting if I become too uncomfortable.
  • Before and after the meeting I can contact Rachel Dickson from Kaleidoscope Focus to ask any questions or raise any concerns.
  • I understand I will be paid $80.00 for my time. Payment will be made to me by AFDO, who invited me to be involved.
  • Kaleidoscope Focus will provide my contact details to ADFO solely for the purpose of facilitating payment for the session.
  • I have read this form and I understand it, or someone has read it to me and explained it.

I agree to take part in the consultation for NDIS with Kaleidoscope Focus.
