Location *
NSW Locations *
NT Locations *
Queensland Locations *
South Australia Locations *
Tasmainia Locations *
Victoria Locations *
Western Australia Locations *
NDIS supports you provide *
Have you/your staff had direct experience of any of the following disaster events in the past five years? *
Have your or the staff you manage been involved in more than one of the same type of event – or two different events close to each other - in the past five years? For example, two floods or bushfires in the same year.
Section 1 - Prevention
These questions mostly relate to your organisation’s approach and practices around emergency and disaster management.

While some of these questions may relate to your personal experience, please think about this survey from the perspective of providing support to NDIS Participants.

Are any of the services or supports you manage located in high-risk areas for a natural disaster, such as a flood or bushfire?
Have you talked to people in the community of the people you support (e.g. a neighbour) or been to a community meeting talking about what to do in a disaster situation?
Are you aware there are tools available to help people with disability know what to do in an emergency or disaster?
Does your organisation have an emergency and disaster policy and plan (or similar document that outlines how to plan, prepare, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters)?
Has your organisation ever asked you to be involved in its planning for emergencies and disasters, such as commenting on a policy, attending a consultation, or being part of a committee?
Do you provide contingency planning training to frontline support workers?
Do you provide infection prevention and control training to frontline support workers?
Do you provide COVID-safe practices directions (e.g. hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, training in the use of PPE).
Section 2 - Preparedness
These questions relate to your organisation’s actions around preparing for emergency and disaster situations.
Have you been involved in supporting a person with disability to plan and prepare for a natural disaster event, or supporting staff to do this? For example, using the Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) tool or putting together an emergency backpack.
Do Service Agreements for the people you support document what plans are in place that will ensure continuity of care in the event of an emergency or disaster?
Have support workers been trained in the implementation of these plans?
Have you talked to NDIS Participants and their support workers about what to do if you/your organisation cannot provide support if there is a natural disaster? For example, if there is a flood or a bushfire.
Do you regularly organise and undertake emergency drills for the people you support and their support workers? For example, what to do if you must evacuate because of a flood or bushfire (not a routine fire drill).
Section 3 - Response
These questions relate to your organisation’s experience of responding during an emergency or disaster.
Are you confident you know what to do in an emergency or disaster event at work (e.g. bushfire, flood)?
Are you confident NDIS Participants and their support workers know what to do in an emergency or disaster event?
If you have been involved in the management of an emergency or disaster event, did your organisation keep you updated about how you/your team would be supported while the emergency or disaster was happening, and immediately after (e.g. up to a week after)?
Have you ever had an experience with emergency services responding to an emergency or disaster event at work (e.g. a fire service, an ambulance service, SES)?
Section 4 - Recovery
These questions relate to your organisation’s approach to supporting people following an emergency or disaster situation.
If you have been involved in an emergency or disaster event, did you get support from your organisation to get things back on track for the people you support? For example, re-establish routine supports, set the house back up.
If you have been involved in an emergency or disaster event, were the people you support offered to access other supports, such as attend counselling, attend a community event (e.g. a BBQ).
What was the support they received?
What supports might you have found to be helpful to them in the months after the event? *
If you have been involved in an emergency or disaster event, have you been asked to reflect/comment on how the event was managed, and what could be done better (e.g. at a management meeting, in a survey)?
The survey is now complete. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences. If you have experienced distress as a result of completing this survey, please contact Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
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